You can have all the banks of kindly customer service reps in the world to field calls and e-mails to soothe customer concerns, but at the end of the day, if you can't get it out, nothing else you do counts for much.
Jim, from Tennessee, wrote in yesterday after a recent order to tell us what he thought about our service compared to 'Brand X*' (who's head we now call 'the liquidator' -_^). Here's what Jim said:
I placed an online order with both Anime Corner Store and 'Brand X*' on Friday. With you, my shipping choice was "free super saver," which I believe is low-priority ground shipping. For shipping with 'Brand X*', I chose UPS Ground, which normally only takes a couple days to arrive (once the package is on the truck). It's now Monday, and my order with Anime Corner Store has arrived. And 'Brand X*'? Well, that order hasn't left the warehouse, according to the tracking data.
This online order has taught me four things:
1. Noemi is WAY cuter than Shawne, 'the Liquidator*'.
2. RACS is WAY faster than 'Brand X*'.
3. A cute, spirited woman has WAY more MOE than a bearded, bespectacled Otaku.
4. A shipper can't ship until they are handed a package.
Thanks for the speedy service!
Thanks Jim, we appreciate it! :-)
Editors Notes:
1) No argument there. Way cuter than Robert as well. :-)
2) ^_^
3) After 11 years in 'the biz' Noemi (and Robert) still thinks of Anime as a lot more than just 'some product to sell in bulk'
4) A shipper can't ship what they don't have in stock either.
*Note: Actual names in this post have been changed to protect the guilty.
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